Spanish Cooking classes in english

Close Teachers



Lytte, Speaking, udtale, Reading og skrivning


Sprogkursets varighed
1-52 uger
Hver Mandag
Timer per uge
10 lessons per week (hver lektion varer 60 min)
Mandag - fredag

Klasseskemaet kan ændres afhængigt af tilgængelighed og tid på året.

Beskrivelse af sprogkursus

Our Spanish Cooking class in English highlights the very best from Spain’s rich culinary history along with the most popular regional dishes. The four course menu is frequently updated to include local seasonal ingredients and consists of classic paella, starter soup, appetizer, and dessert.

All our classes are taught by the professionally trained bilingual Spanish chefs. We utilize the freshest seasonal ingredients from local markets and farms. The classes provide a fun, social, hands-on experience, where you will be participating in the preparation of the various dishes under the thoughtful guidance of our chef instructors. Our classes are designed for accomplished and novice cooks, and there are activities in the food preparation process for every skill level.


Alle niveauer, begydner til advanceret
Du skal tage en placeringstest på din første dag, for at bestemme dit niveau Du kan også tage denne test før din ankomst i Murcia.

Klassens størrelse

Gennemsnit 1 elev
Maksimum 1 elev


Aldersomfang 8 - 89 ans


Et diplom vil blive uddelt i slutningen af sprogkurset.
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100% anbefaler

Baseret på 1 anmeldelse
5 stjerner
4 stjerner
3 stjerner
2 stjerner
1 stjerne
Kvalitet af undervisning

"Very skilled teacher"

Ellen Wethal, student fra Norge

I had private hours in my apartment and am very pleased

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Dato for studie
22 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?
Dette er en verificeret anmeldelse. Denne studerende har reserveret et kursus på denne skole gennem Language International.


Close Teachers tilbyder disse boligtype:

Værtsfamilie - Enkeltværelse - Morgenmad og aftensmad

kr 1,676

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Aldersomfang: 8 - 89 ans
Sted: In the city center of Murcia
Boligtype: Værtsfamilie
Værelsestype: Enkeltværelse
Måltider: Morgenmad og aftensmad (7 måltider om ugen)
Faciliteter: Køkken, trådløst internet, gratis internet, tV-stue, og idrætsanlæg
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: søndag, når som helst
Afrejsedagen: lørdag, når som helst
kr 1,676
The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. A host family will make you feel at home and will contribute to your learning process in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Our carefully selected host families will welcome you straight away and treat you like an additional member of the family. This way you will feel right at home. Host families also provide the perfect opportunity to practice what has been learnt in the classroom. Speak to your host family and learn first hand about the Spanish way of life and their customs.

Living with a host family makes your stay that bit easier because you don't have to worry about cooking or laundry. All linen and towels are included. Our families are happy to help you out and you can ask them about the best places to go in the area and other questions.

You can choose between two options for the host family stay:

Half board, including two meals: breakfast and dinner.
Full board, including three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Meals will be eaten with the family.

The families can adapt their cooking to your particular needs or special diet if you inform us in advance

Our families all live close to the school and you can get there either by foot or in no less than 30 minutes to city centre

Værtsfamilie - 2-person delt værelse - Morgenmad og aftensmad

kr 2,794

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner - 2 students must book together

Sted: In the city center of Murcia
Boligtype: Værtsfamilie
Værelsestype: 2-person delt værelse
Måltider: Morgenmad og aftensmad (14 måltider om ugen)
Faciliteter: Køkken, trådløst internet, gratis internet, og tV-stue
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: søndag, når som helst
Afrejsedagen: lørdag, når som helst
Begrænsninger: 2 studerende skal reservere sammen
kr 2,794
will contribute to your learning process in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Our carefully selected host families will welcome you straight away and treat you like an additional member of the family. This way you will feel right at home. Host families also provide the perfect opportunity to practice what has been learnt in the classroom. Speak to your host family and learn first hand about the Spanish way of life and their customs.

Living with a host family makes your stay that bit easier because you don't have to worry about cooking or laundry. All linen and towels are included. Our families are happy to help you out and you can ask them about the best places to go in the area and other questions.

You can choose between two options for the host family stay:

Half board, including two meals: breakfast and dinner.
Full board, including three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Meals will be eaten with the family.

The families can adapt their cooking to your particular needs or special diet if you inform us in advance

Our families all live close to the school and you can get there either by foot or in no less than 30 minutes to city centre

Visa support

Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.

Et brev om optagelse vil blive sendt til din adresse uden nogen omkostninger for dig.

Fly og lufthavnstransport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Murcia based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.

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